Board of Directors

ORE Board of Directors

September 16, 2020

Debbie Archer, Secretary of the Board - Debbie moved to Montpelier with her partner in 2014. She was drawn to the small town lifestyle and had declared in her childhood journal that she would live on a farm in VT with a bunch of cats. While there is not yet a farm, she continues to be drawn to the landscape and gets to explore it in her work in environmental education. Debbie joined ORE after learning that timebanking was a way to slow climate change and is excited to keep participating because of the overwhelming potential the community has to help one another and make this community more equitable. (Term began in 2018)

Eric Bachman, Chair of the Board -   Eric was born and grew up in Pennsylvania and now lives in Barre, Vermont where he is an active member the Onion River Exchange timebank. He has over 50 years of experience working in various positions (as staff, as an executive director, as a board member and as a consultant) with local and international nonprofits in the USA, Germany, Netherlands, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia, and other countries. His skills include nonprofit administration, consensus-decision-making workshops, IT networking and training, free and open source software, popular education, nonviolent social change, and nonviolence training, conflict resolution, and peace team training.

His timebanking experience began in 2003 in Germany and continued when he moved to Vermont in 2007. He served on the advisory board of the REACH timebank from 2011 to 2012 when it merged with ORE. He served on the ORE board as treasurer and secretary from 2013 to 2017. He helped ORE to start and develop the Tool Library and the Repair Cafe and continues to develop these ORE projects.. He currently works as the Technical Coordinator for TimeBanks USA and supports over 500 timebank coordinators and their timebanks using the Community Weaver software. He also works for the International Nonviolence Training Fund of the A.J.Muste Memorial Institute as a grant administrator. (Board member term began in 2020)

Kirk Gardner, Treasurer of the Board - (Term began in 2020)


Do you want to support the ORE Timebank?  We welcome interested members who want to support the timebank by serving on the ORE  Board of Directors. For more information see: Prospective Board Member Information.

For further information see: Onion River Exchange - Organizational Documents  (including the ORE by-laws, Board job descriptions, etc.)

Onion River Exchange - Financial Reports  (including the annual IRS Form 990)

All ORE Time bank members are welcome to attend the monthly board meetings. If you would like to attend (click here) to send us a message.

Board Meeting Minutes



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